Tcl 9.0/Tk9.0 Documentation > Tcl Commands > read

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read — Read from a channel
read channelId numChars
read channelId


read — Read from a channel


read ?-nonewline? channelId
read channelId numChars


In the first form, the read command reads all of the data from channelId up to the end of the file. If the -nonewline switch is specified then the last character of the file is discarded if it is a newline. In the second form, the extra argument specifies how many characters to read. Exactly that many characters will be read and returned, unless there are fewer than numChars left in the file; in this case all the remaining characters are returned. If the channel is configured to use a multi-byte encoding, then the number of characters read may not be the same as the number of bytes read.

ChannelId must be an identifier for an open channel such as the Tcl standard input channel (stdin), the return value from an invocation of open or socket, or the result of a channel creation command provided by a Tcl extension. The channel must have been opened for input.

If channelId is in nonblocking mode, the command may not read as many characters as requested: once all available input has been read, the command will return the data that is available rather than blocking for more input. If the channel is configured to use a multi-byte encoding, then there may actually be some bytes remaining in the internal buffers that do not form a complete character. These bytes will not be returned until a complete character is available or end-of-file is reached. The -nonewline switch is ignored if the command returns before reaching the end of the file.

Read translates end-of-line sequences in the input into newline characters according to the -translation option for the channel. See the fconfigure manual entry for a discussion on ways in which fconfigure will alter input.


Encoding errors may exist, if the encoding profile strict is used. Encoding errors are special, as an eventual introspection or recovery is possible by changing to an encoding (or encoding profile), which accepts the data. An encoding error is reported by the POSIX error code EILSEQ.

In blocking mode, the error is directly thrown, even, if there is a leading decodable data portion. The file pointer is advanced just before the encoding error. An eventual well decoded data chunk before the encoding error is returned in the error option dictionary key -data. The value of the key contains the empty string, if the error arises at the first data position.

In non blocking mode, first, any data without encoding error is returned (without error state). In the next call, no data is returned and the EILSEQ error state is set. The key -data is not present.

Here is an example with an encoding error in UTF-8 encoding, which is then introspected by a switch to the binary encoding. The test file contains a not continued multi-byte sequence at position 1 (A \xC3 B):

File creation for examples

% set f [open test_A_195_B.txt wb]; puts -nonewline $f A\xC3B; close $f
Blocking example
% set f [open test_A_195_B.txt r]
% fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8 -profile strict -blocking 1
% catch {read $f} e d
% set d
-data A -code 1 -level 0
-errorstack {INNER {invokeStk1 read file35a65a0}}
-errorcode {POSIX EILSEQ {invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character}}
-errorinfo {...} -errorline 1
% tell $f
% fconfigure $f -encoding binary -profile strict
% read $f
% close $f
The already decoded data "A" is returned in the error options dictionary key -data. The file position is advanced on the encoding error position 1. The data at the error position is thus recovered by the next read command.

Non blocking example

% set f [open test_A_195_B.txt r]
% fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8 -profile strict -blocking 0
% read $f
% tell $f
% catch {read $f} e d
% set d
-code 1 -level 0
-errorstack {INNER {invokeStk1 read file384b228}}
-errorcode {POSIX EILSEQ {invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character}}
-errorinfo {...} -errorline 1


For most applications a channel connected to a serial port should be configured to be nonblocking: fconfigure channelId -blocking 0. Then read behaves much like described above. Care must be taken when using read on blocking serial ports:

read channelId numChars
In this form read blocks until numChars have been received from the serial port.

read channelId
In this form read blocks until the reception of the end-of-file character, see fconfigure -eofchar. If there no end-of-file character has been configured for the channel, then read will block forever.


This example code reads a file all at once, and splits it into a list, with each line in the file corresponding to an element in the list:

set fl [open /proc/meminfo]
set data [read $fl]
close $fl
set lines [split $data \n]


file, eof, fblocked, fconfigure, Tcl_StandardChannels


blocking, channel, end of line, end of file, nonblocking, read, translation, encoding
Copyright © 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
Copyright © 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.